A Simple Progress Bar in Python
I needed a way to display the progress of data processing program written in Python on console. I wanted to include a progress bar to show the progress. While Python packages like tqdm
serve this purpose well, restrictions behind a firewall prevented me from installing and using them. As a solution, I wrote this simple progress bar from the ground up:
import sys
import time
def simple_progressbar(iterable, desc="Processing", bar_length=20):
total_items = len(iterable)
def print_progress_bar(completed):
percent_complete = completed / total_items * 100
bar = ('#' * int(bar_length * percent_complete / 100)).ljust(bar_length)
sys.stdout.write(f"\r{desc}: [{bar}] {percent_complete:.2f}%")
for index, item in enumerate(iterable):
yield item
print_progress_bar(index + 1)
# Example usage
items = [...] # Replace with your iterable
for item in simple_progressbar(items):
# Your actual processing logic